Get Involved

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

Winston Churchill

Our Volunteers are the driving force of Curley’s House and Hope Relief Food Banks. Our food pantry and meal programs could not function without our diligent volunteers offering their time. Students, if you need Community Service Hours, Curley’s house needs you!Please give us a call or email and we will gladly meet with you.

Get Involved

Why Donate?

Every dollar you give can provide at least 10 meals to families in need through the Curley’s House of Style, Inc. and Hope Relief food banks. According to the 200 U.S. Census Bureau statistics, Miami is the 5th poorest large city in the United States and the residents of Liberty City/Model City are among the poorest in the nation. Our services supplement their food insecurity on a month-to-month basis. Many of the elderly cannot afford to pay rent, utilities, purchase adequate food or even much-needed medication. Every donation received ensures someone will be able to feed not only themselves but also children that are living in these conditions.

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